Orea was born in The Savage North's, where the fey creatures of legend and horror live, and only the hearty dwell. Born into a clan of barbarians, Orea was trained from a young age to be a tough, gruff, fighter, though there was always something a bit off about her. Her lineage admits to mingling with Storm Giants many generations ago, granting them a natural affinity for the arcane that only truly revealed itself to few who had Storm Giant blood coursing through their veins. Since about age 6, Orea had been able to cast minor magical cantrips, prestidigitation, her favorite. Despite her barbaric up-bringing, she, like many of the other clan females, were trained to be more agile than strong, taking up a more roguish mantle, but Orea rejected that path. With her arcane ancestry, came the spells to enhance her physical prowess, letting her wield her birthrite bastard sword as if it were a common rapier. In time, she was more accepted into the Boar Clan hunting parties, ascending the ranks from being a common hunter to a much desired clan rank, a charger. Orea's unnatural speed gave her the momentum to deliver crushing death blows with momentum alone, ensuring her spot as both a scout and a party leader.

Orea's bastard sword has always had a special enchantment that would be a deciding factor in her life later on, the ability to deflect spells. As soon as her bloodline revealed itself, runes of arcane deflection were carved into her blade, knowing that her magical abilities, combined with her curiosity, might get her in deep with some other arcanists or magi. But no would could have anticipated what happened next, the village burning. Wizards, war mages, on a crusade for land and power, burnt down the boar clan village and scorched its halls and its people, charring both weapon and wielder, leaving them defenseless and afraid. No one would destroy what Orea cherished without retaliation, no one. As the onslaught persisted, Orea rose up to defend her home, knowing she was the only one who could. Like snowflakes into an oven, the wizards fell, their magic turned against them, their glory and hubris met with fury and rage. That sect of war mages died that day, taking all but one of the boar clansman with them, the one who really mattered. After a period of mourning, Orea made her way to a neighboring clan, The White Raven Clan, and stayed with them for a halfyear, learning their ways and coping with her loss. In this time, Orea started worship of their deity, a death god, who viewed death as a means of balance, not of cruelty. Through her, Orea made a pact granting her power over darkness itself, though, she had to give up some free will. As long as Orea carried out the deity's agenda, she can keep her shadow powers. The deity sends Orea's missions in the form of white messenger ravens, who can orally relay missions to Orea where ever she is.

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