The best way to start a blog post? Cheesecake. Not the edible kind, the pin-up artistic kind. But yes, this piece started out when Logan suggest a hawt Orea drawing as a warm-up sketch, the original suggestion was Orea in a bikini, but psht, Orea, nor any barbarian, would never wear one. But what would barbarian swim wear look like? Damn near nothing ;3.

Kyler, being a druid, lent herself to being the subject of some awesome nature manipulation spells, the most useless being topiary. An hour of watching the list of everything Logan rolled up in We Love Katamari, she finally rolled up a Topiary Elephant and I was all "WOAH THATS AWESOME!" and flashed back to the old 3.5e druid spell "Shape Nature", combining the two, you get awesomely useless topiary skills.

Acton, being another barbarian, but of her own tribe, has a different fighting style than Orea's bastard sword of total rape, Acton uses two broad daggers in more of a dance-like, elusive, charge that mimics a fox's trickery, each dagger, a fang, and like the arctic fox, Acton doesn't need to see her prey, she just needs to hear it and she can pinpoint its exact location through snow, sand, stone or wood.

I freakin' love Viva Pinata. Nuff' said.

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