Yet another incarnation of Orea, originally she was going to be a demon hunter, but meh, we have enough of those, but what about an
angel hunter? Yeah, awesome, right? As for details, those are a bit shaky but I'll say what I DO have down:
-Orea is still a boar-totem barbarian by birth and up bringing
-Orea and Acton are still an item
-Orea works on commission and contract with demons
-Orea is not evil but Chaotic Neutral
-"The Harpy" is a name given by followers of the angels she slays
-"Talon" is just named Talon as an extension of "The Harpy"
-On one side of Orea's inner she has a shaman's healing staff, a wand to concentrate her magic and a pouch of varying ritual candles
-Orea files down 2 of her teeth to make fangs
-Orea is still a badass